The most wonderful thing about Italy is that there is something for everyone. Romantic cities, breathtaking scenery, perfect climate, mountains to ski and walk in, lakes to be sailed on and holidayed beside, festivals to be watched and this all leads to a lifestyle that could be called perfect! they have a great love of life. Art lovers can choose from a variety of towns and cities and even small villages to peruse at their leisure the vast array of art galleries, exhibitions and churches. Life in Italy makes it very easy for visitors to meander around from numerous art galleries or open-air theatres, or wander around Rome or Venice or any of the other towns to get a feel of the history and the centuries of life that has taken place there. But it is not just the visitor to Italy that will be able to enjoy this lifestyle, whilst work is to be done; the Italians still are able to indulge in 'La Dolce Vita' , a lifestyle full of romance, culture and fine foods! In summary, the Italian culture is one of great flamboyance, colour, enjoyment and passion.

In Italy conversation is an art form. As you walk in the streets or stop at a café in one of the many squares, you will notice Italians of all ages engaged in intense and animated discussions on a wide variety of topics ranging from family, work, politics, gossip, food, wine and sports, especially soccer.