a:What is Italian urban culture?
b:en,I think culture and urban change in contemporary Italy.
Urban Italian is the recipes that one of New York’s best young chefs cooks in his own kitchen: a cookbook full of soulful, sophisticated food and delicious stories.

I want to recommend a book.This isn’t one of those fancy chef books you can’t actually cook from in a real kitchen without a crew or special equipment: Gwen’s no chef, but she can make every one of these recipes, and if she can do it, so can you.
a:What do you think is the culture symbol of Shanghai ?
b:Chinese Cultural Center and Kearny Street Workshop is the Present Tense Biennial.
And I know a chinese Present Tense Biennial.Cui Fei is a Chinese artist that exhibits actively in the United States. The installation has the appearance of a calligraphic manuscript with its stroke-like sense of movement. Upon closer examination however, one realizes that each “character” is a unique sculpture informed by the natural formation of twigs. Language and its conventional, evolving nature is a running theme in this show and Cui Fei’s lyrical installation poignantly explores the illusory and mutable qualities of written word in relation to the timeless structure of nature.Indeed, the works produced here by artists young and old, of various ethnic backgrounds, conjure up a sense of collective nostalgia, of loss, of disjunction–however, that an exhibition like this exists and opens itself up to public discussion lends the work in this show an over arching bid for hope and critical engagement.
a:Not only does each region have its own style, but each community and each valley has a different way of cooking as well.I think it’s funny.can you tell me,why?
b:ok .But do you know.Not only cooking is different.Every town has a distinctive way of making sausage, special kinds of cheese and wine, and a local type of bread. If you ask people, even in the same area, how to make pasta sauce, they will all have different answers.
And many non-Italians identify Italian cooking with a few of its most popular dishes, like pizza and spaghetti. People often express the opinion that Italian cooking is all pretty much alike. However, those who travel through Italy notice differences in eating habits between cities, even those only a few miles apart.
a:I know Italians love music. Music is part of your lives.I want to know where are you listen to music in shanghai?
b:Do you know, I live chinese music too.It's magic.And I am very lucky.The Shanghai Gesture, is currently enjoying it's run at The Julia Miles Theater through May 17th. The theater is located at 424 W 55th Street and you can go to The Shanghai Gesture official website for cast and ticket information.
a:Fanny.Good news.Can you tell me the Italian lifestyle of your impression?
b:Italians are warm, welcoming people who love to relax, celebrate and socialise with family and friends. And celebration and relaxation usually take place around the table either at home or in a restaurant, where they can enjoy the traditions of the Italian cuisine.Italians have a passion for eating but also for talking.